Every family has its own unique story.
Improving & Nurturing
Building upon our individual nuclear families, we consciously enter the creation of our own, to carry on what we believe is valuable and to improve what didn’t work. Often, the demands of life and burdens of responsibility distract us from nurturing what is most important. The family system suffers, but we often don’t notice it because it happens so discreetly. Like a pool must be maintained for proper chemical balances to be a desirable place to swim, we too, must prioritize the health of our family ecosystem.

For better or worse
We are bound together...
… by love, a shared familial experience, genetics and values, even with the most complex dynamics. But every single family member is a distinct individual and if not accepted and understood, can be the basis of disconnection and conflict. And, to make it more challenging, today’s family structure has evolved almost as rapidly as technology itself. It may feel like parents have to reinvent the wheel of leadership, communication and instillation of values because we were brought up in a generation and time that probably feels un-relatable today.
Families are losing their cohesiveness to technological influence and addiction, to what the world tells us our values should be, and to the expectations of immediate gratification. We rely too much on our schools to hold our children’s attention, on influencers to tell us what we need, and on social media hype to give us the answers. With help, we can learn to ask the right questions and talk about the right things, to know each other through a new lens, and to help each family member feel uniquely seen, heard and valued. It is never too early to start this process and it is never too late.
The antidote to
disconnection and
conflict comes from
a hard look within.
— Leigh

Multi-generation values
Putting Family First
Leigh was raised in a family that reinforced multi-generational values of putting family first. However, hers was not without conflict and distinct differences in perspectives. She and her sibling were often brought to their favorite Chinese restaurant before learning that it was time for a “family meeting”. This was brilliantly curated by her parents to deter the kids from raising their voices or exiting the dinner table. Her parents taught the art of well-intended, albeit imperfect, communication and this skill gave rise to her desire to expand on that value.

Diving Deeper
So Why Family Meetings
Leigh now has decades of experience working with families. She has seen every imaginable obstacle and has a gift for navigating them with an intuitive and refreshing style. By asking the right questions and instinctively tapping into the shared desire to connect, no family is the same after one of these experiences.
Family meetings can be created to fulfill any requirements specific to your needs. Half day, full day and multi-day options are available upon request.
1) LOVE is a verb and a noun. It must be exercised, cultivated and nurtured to maintain its power.
2) Though a family may live thousands of miles apart or under the same roof, family is HOME. Make it a sanctuary for safety, worthiness, compassion and love.
3) In conflict, choose respectful tones and considerate communication to grow stronger. Hiding emotions or lashing out deteriorates trust. Effective COMMUNICATION must be learned and honed.
4) Raising a family is as important as raising children. Every member is accountable and each individual is a powerful conduit for growth.
5) The health of body and mind of each family member is paramount.
6) SHAME IS NOT WELCOME HERE. Each of you are miraculous and magnificent just as you are. All shapes and sizes and appearances are safe and celebrated in the family.
7) There are no mistakes, only lessons. Celebrate the wins. Support and learn from the struggles.
8) Our identity does not come from the image we wish to project or from our material accumulation. It comes from the wealth of love and connection that we work hard to build.
9) Unpleasant emotions like frustration, disappointment, irritation, resentment, anger, jealousy, embarrassment and fear are powerful signals that show us exactly where it is that we need to evolve. Rather than avoid or detach, these are signals that should push us to LEAN IN AND COMMUNICATE.
10) Facing issues head-on, disagreeing, and arguing can be healthy when handled thoughtfully and respectfully.
11) When adults are able to own their flaws they model a lifetime skill to their children that will radically affect their humility, ego and future relationships. With MUTUAL VULNERABILITY, the family unit grows wiser, more forgiving and more loving.
12) We believe in the power of genuine apologies and we work on forgiveness through changed behaviors.
13) Life is guaranteed to be hard. Build the aptitude for light, gratitude and laughter as a foundation to draw from on the darkest days and to amplify the easy days.
14) Teach resilience and grit. Instill a mentality of perseverance as it begets self-efficacy and confidence.
15) You have two ears and one mouth so LISTEN twice as much as you talk.
16) Asking for help is encouraged.
17) EACH VOICE IS VALUABLE. All members of this family have something to teach and we will honor learning from each other.
18) Our differences strengthen our family. Our sameness gives us common ground but does not amplify our growth.