This is your wake-up call.
The Sun is Rising. The Time is now.
You cannot build on something
that does not exist. You can only
take the potential that is
already there and guide it in
the right direction. My role is to
help you stay on YOUR life
map, using established and
proven waypoints.
— Leigh
One-on-one sessions
I will teach you how to recenter and rediscover core truths that become lost in the darkness of internalization. It starts with self-inquiry. Be honest with yourself. How did you get to this point? Get real about your undeniable identity and your truth, starting NOW.

Reflection & Introspection
We must defy the natural default mode of autopilot and take time to step away from life’s treadmill. Perspective arises and gives way to your own creativity and emotions. With an athletic mindset and passion for the environment, I create intersections between the physical body and the natural world. Using movement, I empower people to be more present in every moment, and feel every sensation in the smallest actions. Every single breath will fill your lungs to capacity, with life-affirming oxygen, and your mind with the pure joy of being alive.
We all long to be seen and understood. It’s as primal as needing nutrients, water and sleep. When we lead our lives from curiosity, rather than judgment, we feel less alone in life’s inevitable struggles. Empathy leads us to compassionate problem solving, acceptance, and forgiveness. Empathy for others isn’t genuine if you can’t show it authentically to yourself. Recognizing and respecting our own emotions, as well as those around us, creates more peace.
Your mind relies on a healthy body. Start and end your day with movement that honors your body and its potential. In life, there are up drafts and down drafts. It will be my role to help you navigate the inevitable obstacles along life’s course. Together, on this journey, you’ll learn how to catch the updrafts and regain your life’s momentum.
Step away from technology, and walk where the trees outnumber the humans. Whether it is the clean air, the quiet, the lack of distraction, the microbes in the soil or the earth’s magnetism uninterrupted, there is an irrefutable benefit from being in nature. Your DNA is encoded with the need to be outside, connecting with the earth in a way that deeply roots us, and who we are as living, breathing, loving biological entities.
Our bodies know our truth. Pay attention to the signals. Accessing and expressing our truth is the most freeing human experience. It is the basis for understanding our emotions and real communication.
If we are honest with ourselves about our feelings and experiences, our eyes see more objectively, our words form clearly and we become more trustworthy in our communication. It’s the basis from which we understand our own emotions.
Accessing and expressing our layers of truth is perhaps the most terrifying aspect to the complex human experience and simultaneously, the most freeing.
Choose to see the growth opportunities in EVERY situation. When life creates obstacles, your optimism will lead to grit, perseverance, emotional stability and a path forward. Optimism isn’t the same as blind positivity. We still must recognize and accept what is. Optimism is simply the ability to know what is right—for you, what is authentic—to you, and what growth opportunities any situation offers.
You were born one of a kind. Unequivocally, unique DNA and stardust. Your mere birthright is, and pardon my French, a fucking miracle. When we shift our thoughts and focus on making the highest USE of our precious energy, we finally begin to actualize our most authentic life. The world needs you—to be you. To be USEFUL with your individual essence.
Generosity Boomerang
In this world of self-absorption and constant state of judging and being judged, LIVING TO GIVE is our best way to save ourselves and the world around us. Generosity ignites connection and community. It empowers our species to feel a sense of interconnected purpose —putting the emphasis on selfless over selfies. This transformation gives our lives true meaning and adds a sweetness to our existence as human beings. Give and you will experience the boomerang effect, or as the Beatles intuitively knew,“the love you take is equal to the love you make.”

These waypoints are merely trail markers that need to be focused on, and discussed consistently, in order to be lived into.
This is all part of the HUMAN EXPERIENCE.
When led by an experienced guide, there are many ways THROUGH. This can be a partner, a friend, a mentor or any trusted person to teach you the how’s that help answer the why’s.
I’ll teach you…
...that what
you think you
fear is bullsh*t
How to think about how every day as day one.
How to pay attention like your life depended on it.
How to live a life of spiritual magnitude by realizing something way bigger compels you to do better and be more.
How to stop perpetuating your own dysfunctional patterns.
How to be honest with yourself and everyone around you.
How to have what it takes to survive and thrive, no matter how hard life gets.
How to get out of denial and get back into reality.
How to be honest with yourself and everyone around you
How to gain and keep momentum - making it perpetual.

I am not the answer. You are.
When you recognize this incontestable truth, you discover and free your authentic self. You’re no longer dependent on external sources. You can’t help but begin to radiate the light that’s always existed within you. You beam it outwardly onto others; through love, compassion, gratitude and grace, the shared fabric and connection of all living creatures. You become your own self-illuminating navigator, sharing your innate power with the world, and allowing it to reflect back onto you immeasurably.
Humans I'm currently working with

Top Executives
at Fortune 500 companies and private equity firms, as well as managing partners of top law firms looking to find more meaning in their career and a more content and fulfilled way to live.
in both high school and college looking to reach their highest potential in academia and athletics; dealing with incredible amounts of pressure physically, mentally, and emotionally. Navigating college recruitment and the often challenging aspects of the athletic coaching interpersonal dynamics.
Extraordinary Creatives
who feel trapped on the hamster wheel of life, and have lost touch with what it means to have a healthy lifestyle. They simply do not see a way out of their habits.
Long-Term Partners
facing challenges around intimacy, sexual desire, communicating through conflict, discovering differences in values, and dealing with stressors raising children.
Powerful Women
facing midlife, wondering what’s next and looking to reshape a new sense of identity from a conscious and courageous point of view.
and startup founders looking to refine their leadership skills. Learning to create inspired, committed cultures while actually enjoying the process of long-term, intense growth and needing to figure out a more internalized definition of productivity and success.
Artists, Writers, Actors and Public Speakers
all looking to navigate imposter thinking and self-doubt. Aspiring to tap into their most authentic flow.
College Students
facing social pressures, sleepless, and debilitating anxiety, relationship problems, time management issues, questioning career choices, as well as parental pressure complexities, and difficulties growing their independence.
Technologically Addicted Individuals
needing help to manage cell phone and social media escapism in a healthy way.
"Epidemics of loneliness, anxiety, technology
addiction, fear, cancer and mental illness are
pervasive. A healthy life and great
relationships happen when they are prioritized.
Profound change is the result of consistent,
small actions, which yield big results over time.
I will help you create a shift in mindset and
behavior to face life’s challenges head on.
— Leigh

Self Discovery
Find your true north
Leigh offers one-on-one* or group sessions* for individuals, families and professionals of every kind, looking for a powerful investment to change their lives. If that’s you—Let’s talk.
*Length: 50 minutes. One-on-One individual or group sessions can be created to meet any requirements specific to your needs. Half day, full day and multi-day options are available upon request.